Dr Julian Sargon-Ungar: When Are Psychological Treatments Needed For Pain Management?

One crucial aspect of an effective pain management strategy is psychological treatment. Acknowledging the impact of psychological factors on the way you perceive and cope with pain is essential for finding lasting solutions. In this article, Dr Julian Sargon-Ungar will discuss the role of psychological treatments in pain management.

When Psychological Treatments Are Recommended

• Chronic Pain Conditions – Certain conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, migraines, or temporomandibular joint disorder often have a significant psychological component. This may warrant the inclusion of psychological treatments in a comprehensive pain management plan.

• Underlying Mental Health Issues – Patients experiencing ongoing mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression, tend to be more susceptible to developing chronic pain. For that, they may require psychological interventions to address both the pain and the mental health challenges.

• Unresponsive Pain – When traditional approaches, such as medication or physical therapy, fail to provide sufficient relief, psychological treatments can be helpful. This can be done by teaching new coping strategies and fostering a deeper understanding of pain.

Types of Psychological Treatments for Pain Management

There are various psychological treatments known today to help manage pain effectively. First of all, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) emphasizes the development of healthy coping mechanisms to manage pain more effectively.

Second, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) ACT aims to help individuals accept pain as an inevitable part of life, without letting it define or restrict them. Lastly, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teaches people to be fully present in the moment and develop healthier responses to stressors, including pain.

Benefits of Psychological Treatments for Pain Management

First of all, by addressing psychological factors, patients can effectively reduce their perception of pain. Dr Julian Sargon-Ungar Psychological treatments can also help improve individuals’ confidence in their ability to manage pain, which can positively impact their overall quality of life.

And finally, combining psychological strategies with other treatments often reduces the need for medications or complements their effectiveness. This can result in a more sustainable and holistic approach to pain management.